IBC Timber Sales (BCTS) shares proposed harvesting and road building activities in order to solicit and understand stakeholder interests well in advance of anticipated harvesting. Operational planning takes into account a number of stand-level variables required by our approved Forest Stewardship Plan.
Proposed forest development activities over the next five years are shown on the 1:20,000 scale maps at the link below. Related digital information (shapefiles) and Google Earth compatible files (*.kml) can also be found at this link.
Cutblocks displayed on the maps show planned harvesting, road building and ancillary forestry developments (e.g., marine log dumps and helicopter drop zones). The maps indicate a planned year of harvest that is intended to remain flexible and is subject to change.
The information sharing/referral process is open to First Nations, the public, municipal governments, government agencies and other interested stakeholders. Please provide comments related to this referral no later than April 30th, 2018.
The documents can be viewed at the link shown below:
Maps and Digital Information
Please provide comments/questions to:
E-mail: BCTS.Powell.River@gov.bc.ca
Attention: Adam Hockin, RPF Planning Forester 7077 Duncan Street Powell River, BC
V8A 1W1
