Thank you to all of our Board members, especially those who have stepped
down, including Ulla Shine, Jane Panek and Amber Stoby. A BIG welcome to
our incoming directors Marina McBride, Aleisha Friesen, Robert Smardon,
Tara Somerville and Sharon Tron! Your new RCCA Board is:
President Cory Cassidy
Vice President Karen Spicer
Treasurer Sarah Bradley
Secretary Marina McBride
Director Scott Avery
Director Aleisha Friesen
Director Robert Smardon
Director Tara Somerville
Director Sharon Tron
Bookkeeper Kathleen Hudson
First off, I would like to thank our wonderful Hall Manager Diana Lux
for her continued hard work, enthusiasm, initiative, and attention to
detail. 2019/2020 was another very busy year for the RCCA! We hosted the
Community Market every Wednesday at the Hall. Cory Cassidy’s event
planning skills shined at the very busy Eek the Creek Halloween event
and Santa in the Creek. The annual RCCA Christmas potluck hosted by
Debra Shields was another huge success, with a full house. Slow Sundays
in the Creek had a successful fifth season thanks to Ed Lands and Graham
Walker. Due to Covid, this year’s Earth Day, Creek Daze, and the
Christmas Craft Faire were unfortunately cancelled. Fundraising for the
Hall roof was continued with a blueberry plant sale, a birdhouse
contest, a t-shirt sale, and generous funding from the Sunshine Coast
Community Forest Legacy Fund and BC Capital Project Grants. The Hall now
has a beautiful new metal roof that will last for decades, brand-new
gutters, and an energy-efficient heat-pump HVAC system. We received a
Canada Post Foundation grant to install two new locally made picnic
tables and a bus-stop bench at the gazebo area behind the library. We
were very pleased to offer our second annual RCCA bursary to Aman
Smardon, and we wish him the very best in his studies at UBC. Our
website was redesigned and much improved thanks to Ian Hunt’s (Geek in
the Creek) expertise. Please visit us at
We are currently working on renovating the Hall kitchen into a fully
functional community teaching kitchen. We are most grateful to the
Sunshine Coast Community Forest Legacy Fund and the Sunshine Coast
Credit Union for their project funding. We are currently applying for a
Community Economic Recovery Infrastructure Program grant for some
exciting new projects for Spring 2021. On November 1st we will be
welcoming two volunteers from Montreal who will be visiting Roberts
Creek as part of the Chantiers Jeunesse (a youth volunteer project
nonprofit). After quarantining for 14 days in Vancouver after their
arrival, they will be working under the supervision of Master Gardener
Molly Abbot to xeriscape around the Hall. Please feel free to stop by
and say a friendly hello to Gabrielle and Joannie on weekdays!
