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Slow Sundays in the Creek August 30th lineup

August 30:

1:00. -  1:35 “Out of the Bluegrass”  

Start the day with some sing-along fun

1:45 - 2:15pm Charlotte Wrinch is a singer-songwriter and recording artist living on the Sunshine Coast, and is an active member of the Canadian music scene.

2:30 - 4: The Moss Trio

Anna Lumiere - Keys, Graham Ord - Sax & flute,  

Upright Bass Arista Hawkes

a toe-tapping mix of swing, sambas and groove


- The Gazebo area will be cordoned off with access limited to 50 people

- Entrance and Exit will be separated

- We are asking everyone to sign in

- We encourage masks be worn

- We encourage people to bring their own blankets, lawn chairs and umbrellas/parasols

- We promote social distancing!

We hope that we can continue to offer our community entertainment over the summer.

It is each of our responsibility to not put one another at risk.

If you are showing symptoms or have been somewhere that has been compromised please stay home and self-isolate.

Wash your hands often.

Sneeze and cough into your elbow.

Practice social distancing.

Respect yourself and your community!


Thank you from the RCCA



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